The Secret of Co-Regulation: Simple tools to nourish yourself and help your children thrive!
Explore age-appropriate Somatic tools for peaceful parenting
Katie will teach you how to change this. When we are nourished, we can show up as our best selves for our children, partners, and ourselves
Understanding how our Nervous System (Polyvagal Theory) influences how we show up + interact with our children
Age-appropriate tools we can share with our LOs (and help during meltdowns)
Tips for creating routines that empower your child
Exploring simple, powerful tools to nourish your Nervous System
Creating an inspiring, sustainable self-care routine for yourself!
This means it’s absolutely essential that we are nourished so we can: be present, lead by example, and respond to challenges in a healthy way. The irony is that the formative years, when we are fostering their foundation, are also usually the most challenging as a parent. Being a conscious parent is not synonymous with being take a deep breath! Just as much as we are here to guide our children, they are our teachers too. We will make mistakes, but what our children will remember is how we handle them and make them feel. When we are nourished, we can show up as our best selves for our children, partners, and ourselves!
Your baseline
Understanding our nervous system
Nourish yourself
Nourishing little ones
How can I help my child with self-regulation (processing emotions)?
How can I help myself manage the overwhelm?
How can I help my highly sensitive child?
Greater peace in your home
A greater sense of inner-peace
You feel less reactive + overwhelmed
You’re able to find your center more easily + respond from this space
Katie Connolly