Maternity leave 101: Planning, returning & thriving
Your guide to all things maternity leave, from telling work about your pregnancy, to planning your leave, to your return to work post-baby.
When and how to tell your boss and coworkers you're pregnant
Creating a maternity leave plan
Knowing your rights when it comes to paid/parental leave, what maternity leave options may be available, and when to request them
How to determine if your state has wage replacement and/or temporary disability benefits, the process for requesting these benefits, and coordinating these benefits with other parental leave wage replacement plans
When to add your newborn to your health insurance plan
When to contact HR to update your leave dates
ACA requirements for breastfeeding support and supplies
The importance of disconnecting from work while on maternity leave
How to remind peers/clients of your leave status and when to organize check ins with your boss if necessary
Your return to work plan including what day to return, your pumping plan, when to discuss your return with your boss, setting realistic return goals, whether to transition back to full or part time, and how to catch yourself up and get back in the know
Welcome & introduction
I’m pregnant, now what?
Creating a maternity leave plan
Knowing your rights
Requesting maternity leave/parental leave
State wage replacement and temporary disability benefits
I just gave birth, now what?
While on leave
Returning to work
Tonika Starks