Expert advice and empowering support
when and where you need it, mama.
Your guide to everything that will happen in the first 3 months of this new journey
Motherly free digital classes are designed to give you both the knowledge and resources for your best journey. Contents vary by class, but you can expect video content, downloadable pieces, audio downloads, additional resources and more.
30 minutes to 2 hours worth of video content
Printable downloads including workbooks, planners, calendars and more
Downloadable audio meditations
Links to additional resources and materials
Managing work and parenthood can be tough. This class is filled with practical tips, mindset shifts, exercises and important information on how to take back control of your time and schedule, even when you feel like it's totally in control of you.
How to find a new path to success in your marriage during your parenthood journey
Your guide to all things maternity leave, from telling work about your pregnancy, to planning your leave, to your return to work post-baby.
What every new grandma and grandpa need to know
Your guide to everything that will happen in the first 3 months of this new journey
It's your motherly instinct to do everything you can to keep your baby safe—and this class sponsored by Target will help you back up those instincts with real knowledge. Pediatrician Dr. Mona Amin shares the best practices and products to help.
Explore age-appropriate Somatic tools for peaceful parenting
How to ensure your little is fully prepared for their first big school experience
How to help your 13mo-3y develop healthy sleep habits
How to lean in to child development milestones
How to create a stronger, loving connection with your child by discovering inside yourself first
Creating homes with flow, embracing the ordinary, and enjoying the everyday
This class is an introduction to trying to conceive for people with uteruses. The course is specifically geared towards the LGBTQ+ community, but is relevant to everybody trying to conceive with or without donor sperm.
Establishing a productive daily flow in the first 2000 days of a child's life is so important for their long term health and well being. You'll learn simple daily life habits to support their development through this crucial period.
Potty training your child with routines
That's why our evidence-based digital parenting classes are perfect for parents who want to be informed and empowered. With expert-led classes on a variety of topics, you can find the information and support you need to make the best decisions for your family. And because we know that being a parent is hard enough, our classes are conveniently offered online so you can participate from anywhere. So whether you're a new parent or a seasoned pro, our evidence-based parenting classes are here to help you build confidence and thrive.